Jeudi 8
Juin 2023

Club Norwest
avenue Jacques Sermon 93 - Jette
10:15 am > 12:15 pm - free admission
Video Delivery #10
Each month, on the 2nd thursday, La Vidéothèque Nomade stops at Club Norwest.
During these session, we invite you to choose among twenty short films from our amazing collection and watch the shorts chosen together.
After each film, everyone will be invite to share their feelings.
Curious... Welcome !!!
With the support of la Commission communautaire française, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel.
les films diffusés :
Fleurs coupées (Les)
Denis De Wind & Pedro Duenas
KinoKids #7