Samedi 30
Juin 2007
- Salon Vidéo

Salon Vidéo d’Été
Les Salons Vidéos : a proposition in 4 acts on the medium of video organized by 68 Septante asbl and Troisième Étage.
with videos on demand by Emmanuel Avenel & Marie-France Giraudon, Pascal Baes, Philippe Chatelain, Oleg Chorny & Gena Khmaruk, Heïko Daxl, Antonin De Bemels, Mathieu Doll, Ellen Fellmann, Olaf Geuer, Olivier Larcher, Didier Oustrie, Camille Virolleaud and a selection of historic works from Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl video catalogue : Ernest Gusella, Jacques Lizène, Nan Hoover, Shigeko Kubota, Nam June Paik, Serge Van de Velde.
installations by Antonin De Bemels, Olaf Geuer and DjP
live soundtrack by Jean-Louis Accettone & Dj Louise Bronx, Christophe Bailleau and Duovox
This last event of the 2006-2007 season is based on video experimentation (plastic research, recycling and visual and sound manipulation).
The program is composed of installations, video on demand, two live improvisations and a ciné-concert. .
INSTALLATIONS saturday and sunday
Video library
Lilith by Antonin De Bemels
The ghostlike body of a woman stares at you from inside the surface of a wall. Only her head and arms are moving, alternating frantic contortions with slow and concentrated gestures. She seems to struggle to keep her own flesh from mingling with the inorganic substance of the wall...
This video installation was initially created for the Brigittines Chapel, an old building transformed in a cultural center, situated in downtown Brussels. The video loop was screened by night above the front door of the chapel. The main sources of inspiration were some paintings by Francis Bacon and Gilles Deleuze’s book "Logique de la sensation".
Komposition für vier Treppenhaüser und eine Person by Olaf Geuer
The stairwell is probably one of the most frequently played rhythm instruments. Most of the people are able to master at least the slow and barely virtuoso basic rhythms of this soundbody.
Thus anybody can play the instrument for this composition, but it would be hard to be performed live. A video allows the simultaneity of the four staircases and the experience of a parallel picture- and sound composition. The charm of this is based on the usualness of its sources for rhythm and sound.
The video follows the different characteristics of the stairwell as an instrument and the rhythm of walking. Hence it creates an audiovisual choreography which ruined my favourite pair of shoes.
Photo-compositions musicales by DjP
"It sees what you hear there"
An image which scrolls on a sensitive screen... The luminous flows control electronic sounds, so inferred in a shape of abstract, simultaneous composition in the fact that expresses visually the source (video camera, movies, documentaries...)
saturday’s PROGRAM
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Soup and toasts, with vegetables from the organic farming - €3
10pm : live AV
an audiovisual improvisation by Duovox
sunday’s PROGRAM
7.30pm : Ciné-concert
Comment faire un papillon by Jean-Louis Accettone & Dj Louise Bronx
The progress of the film is an AV storytelling. From a journey arrives the work and the mechanical life. Then everything collapses : the shorings of mines and bars "HLM". The borders close, the Refugees marinade to Sangatte. The evictions multiply.
The hard situation and grows heavy, with a more and more important precariousness.
Through these sometimes beautiful and often tragic decades, the situation of the populations immigrated in France did not improve. However, through everything, there were tracks, exchanges and loves, holidays and meals together. Musical contributions, dances and songs : what entered the customs, the languages and the cultures. The cultures grow rich mutually and build the human society.
This video-concert was realized on the occasion of 2èmes European Meetings travailCULTUREsyndicalisme "Tous d’ici et d’ailleurs" organized by the General Confederacy of the Work 11th/12th of June, 2004 in Lille.
8pm - 9.30pm
Buffet - €5 (with products from the organic farming)
10pm : audiovisual performance
Prescription by Christophe Bailleau
Sound improvisation around 5 short films directed by Christophe Bailleau.
A real creation around the light and the pleasant sensations which it gets.
The Salon Vidéo d’été has received the support of the French speaking Community of Belgium (Visual Arts Department), the French Embassy and Ateliers Mommen asbl.
Thanks to all the participants and to IFasbl and Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques asbl.