Dimanche 5
Décembre 2010
- projection

Nomadic Video Library at Cultures Maison : focus animation
Cultures Maison is the first edition of a festival which prresent works of micro publishers.
We propose, on this sunday, A Nomadic Video Library program with animation films in relation to the festival.
Tonight, we propose a program around 1 hour composed with films from our collection.
Caniche by Noémie Marsily & Carl Roosens - 16’ - 2010 - BE
Thoughts are free by Urte Zintler - 4’31 - 2009 - DE
Frankenstein encore by Isabelle Nouzha & Alex Baladi - 31’30 - 2010 - BE/CH
Les furtives by Sophie Gaucher - 2’ - 2008 - FR
mortale by Paolo Bonfiglio - 6’48 - 2009 - IT
les films diffusés :
Noémie Marsily & Carl Roosens