Samedi 28
Mars 2009

  • projection
Barricade - 19/21 rue Pierreuse - Liège
Barricade - 19/21 rue Pierreuse - Liège
7.30 pm - free entrance

Nomadic Video Library and Day for "free culture"

Within the framework of the digital technology week, Barricade asbl, cultural center in resistance, organizes this saturday a day for free culture with workshops, meetings, screenings and audio lives.
It starts at 2 pm until the end of the night...

For that special day we propose to Barricade a programm of films created under open licence (creatives commons and copyleft).
We chose two documentaries, from our Nomadic Video Library : a trip into the world of free culture, from the meeting of Pitipipo, unhabitant of Broceliande until the one of Dj’s from famous brasilian soundsystem

With :
- Qu’est-ce que le copyleft? by L.L.d.M.
- Good copy bad copy by Ralf Christensen, Andreas Johnsen and Henrik Moltke.

The occasion to think about the french law project création et internet voted par the french senate in last october.

les films diffusés :

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl