Mercredi 6
Mai 2009

  • séances à la carte
  • Festival
Friche culturelle l’Antre-Peaux - 24/26 route de la Chapelle - Bourges
Friche culturelle l’Antre-Peaux - 24/26 route de la Chapelle - Bourges
9 pm>midnight - free entrance

Nomadic Video Library + La crise de lard at Bandits Mages festival

After a video programm around the documentary field during the 10th edition of the festival, here we are, invited, for this 11th edition with our project The Nomadic Video Library.

Warmly set in front of one of the 3 screens (equiped with headphones) The Nomadic Video Library invite you to discover its catalogue, very disparate, of films in a VOD style... more than 250 films are waiting for you !
If you want to prepare your screening, let’s consult our catalogue here

And that’s not finished ! Also, we present the video installation La crise de lard by Jérôme Giller.
La crise de lard is our last DVD release in the Électrons libres collection.
Come and discover our other DVD productions during the festival.

And on saturday, at 11 pm, we invite you to a Nomadic Video Library screening, around the work of Antonin De Bemels.
With the presence of the artist.

les films diffusés :

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl