Jeudi 28
Mai 2009

  • projection
Cinéma La Salamandre - rue Eugène Pottier - Morlaix
Cinéma La Salamandre - rue Eugène Pottier - Morlaix
8 pm - free entrance

Nomadic Video LIbrary : Art Security Service

Within the framework of the 7h national meeting of the FRAAP, Les moyens du bord and L’urgence de l’art organize this event.
The associations give to us a "carte blanche".
So we propose them, each evening, an intervention of The Nomadic Video Library and some audiovisuel installations.
And the day before the beginning of the meetings we propose a screening at La Salamandre around a fim of Bernard Mulliez.
This event is organized with the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International

After cool evening last october, in relation to our DVD publishing work, particularly around our VID collection, here we are one more time.
This evening we’re meeting Bernard Mulliez’s film Art security service.
Also, meeting with the author to talk about his film aroung a glss of belgian beer, after the screening.

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl