Jeudi 4
Avril 2024
rue des Renards 1F - Bruxelles
Les Petits Délices : Femmes
Second collaboration with the Centre culturel Bruegel this year.
On the menu, 8 shorts, like so many little delights, linked by a theme and the possibility of sharing a bowl of soup and a glass.
Artists, mothers, activists, witches... tonight we invite you on a journey through our collection of short films about some Women.
After the screening, we talk about their films with Sarah Carlot Jaber, Shantala Pèpe & Antonin de Bemels and Margot Reumont !
With the support of la Commission communautaire française, le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and of RACC.
le programme :
Protagoniste La
Sarah Carlot Jaber
The Magma Chamber
Shantala Pepe
Si j’étais un homme
Margot Reumont
Ils seront forts, elles seront belles
Camille Ducellier
Mooi Missi
Diëgo Nurse
Lèvres gercées (Les)
Fabien Corre & Kelsi Phung
Mélanie Trugeon