Légende du printemps (La)

Do you know how spring comes ? It is said that every year at the end of winter, small leaves of trees revive the energy of the sun by doing shows... However their queen, in a concern for perfectionism, may threaten the coming of spring...
screenplay : Lou Vérant
voices : Anne Marie Loop, Chloé Larrère, Ana Solomin et Nessa Mendoza
sound : Augustin Pitrebois
sound editing : Alexandra Biquet, Ines Serafini et Florentin Lopacinski
sound mixing : Ines Serafini et Florentin Lopacinski
music : Virginie Tasset
production and distribution : Atelier de Production ENSAV La Cambre
diffusions La Vidéothèque Nomade
- KinoKids #8 - 24 Septembre 2023