Mercredi 17
Avril 2024


Place de l’étang - Marche-en-famenne

2 pm - €4/6

KinoKids Animo + Creative Workshop

KinoKids is a movie club for curious children from 5 to 105 years old.
For our first collaboration with the asbl Cinémarche, we offer a thematic program around animals, through a selection of 11 short films from our amazing collection : La Vidéothèque Nomade.

Unusual films, colorful, enchanted ! From Belgium and elsewhere !
Images and sounds to share with family, friends, in a friendly atmosphere...

After the screening, let’s meet again for a creative workshop, for kids but also adults..
We will collectively create a large colorful fresco populated with imaginary animals using gouache stick.
Welcome !

With the support of le Centre du Cinéma and of RACC.

le programme :

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl