Dimanche 16
Février 2025

rue du Rèwe 13 - Waremme
First collaboration withbibliothèque Pierre Perret.
No theme for this first KinoKids screening... Come and enjoy our program that will make you discover 7 little short pearls from our amazing collection La Vidéothèque Nomade
KinoKids is a film club for curious children from 5 to 105 years.
Amazing, colorful and enchanted short films from Belgium and abroad !
Images and sounds to share in family, friends..., in a friendly atmosphere...
Welcome !
With the support of le Centre du Cinéma of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and of RACC.
le programme :
Dix secondes pour convaincre
Margot Reumont
Grandes oreilles
Émilie Chedid
Lost and Found
Antje Van Wichelen
Poisson fidèle (Le)
Atelier Collectif Zorobabel
Dies Irae
Marion Leissen & Morgane Simon
Froid de ta main (Le)
Carl Roosens
Abel Ringot