Dimanche 11
Septembre 2022

avenue Besme 129-131 - Forest
Special KinoKids screening within the framework of Portes Ouvertes at Centr’Al.
Exceptionally, pancakes are back... WELCOME !
KinoKids is a film club for curious children from 5 to 105 years.
Come and discover a selection of 6 short films from our collection La Vidéothèque Nomade with a taste of summer inside.
Amazing, colorful and enchanted short films from Belgium and abroad !
Images and sounds to share in family, friends..., in a friendly atmosphere...
with the support of la Comission communautaire française, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel
le programme :
Loon plage
Joanna Lorho
Jeanne Delafosse
Dies Irae
Marion Leissen & Morgane Simon
Où vas-tu ?
Sylvie Denet
A deux doigts
Lucie Thocaven