Dimanche 20
Mars 2022

avenue Besme 129-131 - Forest
KinoKids #3
3rd KinokIds at the Centr’Al... After the screening we invite you to take the time for a very creative workshop... Watch out it’s time for cool.... Welcome.
KinoKids is a film club for curious children from 5 to 105 years.
Come and discover a selection of 7 short films from our collection La Vidéothèque Nomade.
Amazing, colorful and enchanted short films from Belgium and abroad !
Images and sounds to share in family, friends..., in a friendly atmosphere...
with the support of la Comission communautaire française, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel
le programme :
Travail, ça me travaille (Le)
Atelier Initiation Zorobabel
Cap ou pas cap ?
Kon, la pute é le gluand (Le)
Guillaume Le Gouill
Hoji Tsuchiya
Louise Bagnall
Grouillons Nous
Margot Reumont