
Kelasi is a historical, socio-political and cultural tour of the Congolese education system over the years. A system enamelled by the political will of the MPR state party to manipulate the masses.
Shot using a variety of animation techniques, this film tells the story of a day at school in Congo / Zaire.
A memorial and cultural work that leaves the door open to the future of education in the Congo.
screenplay, soud design and additional animation : Fransix Tenda Lomba
animation and editing : Caroline Nugues-Bourchat
voice over : Fransix Tenda Lomba
sound mixing : Sébasien Demeffe
production and distribution : Atelier Graphoui
Prix de la Critique Cinématographique - festival Cinémondes - Berck-Sur-Mer
Prix de la réalisation de la compétition ‘Horizons’ lors du PIAFF
Poulain de Bronze du documentaire court métrage - Fespaco
Meilleur court métrage - Festival Cinema Africano di Verona
diffusions La Vidéothèque Nomade
- Les Maisons Médicales font leur Cinéma - Atelier #7 - 21 Novembre 2024