Mardi 31
Octobre 2006
- Autre
An evening in 3 parts with Philippe Zunino.
conference / performance / screening / discussion
1 - Conférence / Performance : Décohérence
How can two opposite states coexist simultaneously ? Or how is it possible to be in several states at the same moment ?
From the equation established in 1927 by the mathematician Edwin Shrodinger, and by stacking the symbolic ffigure of the cat of Shrodinger, "who is at the same moment alive and dead" on the peculiarity of its artistic language, Philippe Zunino in this performance, proposes us several interpretations of the limits of the sense, by breaking them by sound recordings, qualified as sound traps, mixed in a live reading, songs coarse humour, where the paradox of the artistic creation is used as elaboration of a critical language on the contemporary world.
From then on the consciousness - of the listener - becomes the essential element of the artistic evaluation which is proposed to him, thus of the experience of the peculiarity of to give to think.
This intervention joins in the continuity of the conference/performance "une incompréhension partagée" introduced in November, 2005 in Metz, on an invitation of the psychoanalyst Paola Casagrande.
This work send back us in the various schizophrenic states of the current world, in the increasing disparities, in the generalized indifference, that is in the revolt or the submission, as experiment of extremes, in other words the revolt of the sense.
Way of laughing at one, while enjoying itself the others.
2 - Screening : Une intensité négative
of David Legrand and Philippe Zunino - 41’ - 2006 - ov fr
3 - Discussion around a soup of season with the vegetables of the artist.