Samedi 1er
Mars 2008

  • Salon ou Foire
Point Éphémère - 200 quai de Valmy
Point Éphémère - 200 quai de Valmy - Paris
free entrance

Cinémas Hors Cicuits

The independent movie, as it is said to us, go more or less badly.
Nevertheless many publishers of DVD and books still dash and indefatigably into the adventure to share their passion. They provide us with rare, unclassifiable works, resuscitate classics and forgotten authors.
Organized by the videoclub-bookshop Hors Circuits and the ZU association, the days Cinemas Hors Circuits are the occasion for the public to meet these makers of culture and craftsmen of the cinematographic art.

Within the framework of this exceptional event, 68 Septante will hold a stand, where you will find all our DVD productions realized since 2006.

- On Saturday, 6pm (on the stage) screening of videos and presentation of our last DVD relaese Videochoregraphies & documents inédits 1999-2006 by Antonin De Bemels.

Programm : Peau Pierre, Au quart de tour, Light body corpuscles and Se fondre

- On Saturday, 8.30pm (on the stage) discussion around the publishing of film of artists, with Écart production and Re:Voir.
Since some years appear structures specialized in the publishing of films of artists. These videos until then reserved for collections are today available for the public. How and why did this sliding take place ?
With Philippe Lepeut (artist, Ecart production), 68 Septante and Pip Chodorov (director, Re:voir).
These three structures are invited to explain us their work, how they publish these films and their circuit of distribution.