The bittersweet life story of a young girl who grows up to be a crazy old cat lady.
animation : Oskar De Ryycker, Olivier Vanden Bussche, Serge Lenaers, Lenny Biesemans, Sarah Rathe and Britt Raes
screenplay and image : Britt Raes
backgrouds : Bram Algoed and Britt Raes
cast : Madison Reeves (Catherine and Wendy voices), Braden Lunsford (Dwight and husband voices) and Rudi Rok (animal sounds)
compositing : Wannes Aelvoet and Karim Rhellam
sound, sound editing and sound design : Gregory Caron
music : Pieter Van Dessel
production : Creative Conspiracy
distribution : Dalton Distribution and Miyu Distribution
diffusions La Vidéothèque Nomade
- Le Best Off #8 - ONLINE - 23 Février 2021