
A tricky formalist exercise imbedded into a short narrative, Auto-pilot uses a divided screen to contrast the filmic techniques of real and manipulated time, static and fluid camera, and documented activity vs acting.
A dual exploration of objectivity and subjectivity via camera positioning and audience point of view, Auto-pilot upends the narrative conclusions suggested by it’s mundane imagery.
The composed soundtrack ominously counterpoints the banal activity.
The abrupt brevity of Auto-pilot requires meaning to be negotiated only in retrospect, imposing new narratives on linear time and emotional perspectives.
It’s formal, it’s funny, it shocks and it’s short.
diffusions La Vidéothèque Nomade
- Apéro Vidéo #7 - 25 Janvier 2019
- Apéro Vidéo #5 - 23 Mars 2018
- Périscope’s screening at FIDEC - 22 Octobre 2011
- Cercle Vidéo #2 - 21 Mars 2010
- Périscope 1 - 8 Octobre 2009